Who We Are

ConsiderOthers: Who We Help

ConsiderOthers was created as a way to give back to the ELS community…

ConsiderOthers began as a way for people to give back to those in need at communities owned and managed by Equity Lifestyle Properties (ELS). ConsiderOthers is funded by donations from a community of people who value their relationship with ELS communities and are interested in making a difference in the lives of others.

Donations to ConsiderOthers are primarily made by individuals who are associated with ELS. We welcome donations from anyone interested in assisting those in ELS communities. We minimize overhead by relying on volunteer administrators. These volunteers make it possible to maximize the support given to individuals in need.

If you would like to make a donation to ConsiderOthers please email liz_mcnair@equitylifestyle.com or considerothers@equitylifestyle.com.

At ConsiderOthers, we work with community representatives and resources to identify individuals in need. One-time monetary grants are offered to qualified individuals who are part of the ELS community.

These grants are intended to supplement existing programs from either the government or other local charitable organizations. The grant process includes a review of other programs for which individuals may be eligible but have not yet accessed.  Any identified need is eligible for grants, subject to qualification requirements.

To apply for assistance, please complete the ConsiderOthers application.

ConsiderOthers Application in English

ConsiderOthers Application in Spanish

Please mail your application to:

P.O. Box 87274
Chicago, IL 60680