ConsiderOthers FAQs

ConsiderOthers wants to help you get all the information you need…

1. What is ConsiderOthers?
ConsiderOthers is a 501C3 non-profit charitable organization created to help individuals and families within the ELS community.

2. Why is ConsiderOthers for ELS communities only?
ConsiderOthers is administered by volunteers and is primarily funded by donations from a community of people who value their relationship with ELS communities. Because of the relationship our volunteers have with ELS communities and their concern for the residents and others in the nearly 400 ELS communities who may be in need, ConsiderOthers was designed to address these needs in particular.

3. Where does the money for ConsiderOthers come from and is ELS involved?
Donations to ConsiderOthers are primarily made by individuals who are associated with ELS. We welcome donations from anyone interested in assisting those in ELS communities. We minimize overhead by relying on volunteer administrators. These volunteers make it possible to maximize the support given to individuals in need.

5. Why does ConsiderOthers want to help our residents?
The volunteers and donors who support ConsiderOthers care about people and the difficulties that some people have experienced, and they want to help those in need.

6. How can ConsiderOthers help our community?
ConsiderOthers works with community representatives , to identify individuals in need. Monetary grants are provided to qualified individuals who are part of the ELS community.

7. Is the assistance provided by ConsiderOthers available one-time only or an ongoing basis?
ConsiderOthers offers one-time monetary grants that are designed to help individuals and families in need get back on their feet.

8. What type of assistance is available and is there a limit to the amount?
the assistance provided by ConsiderOthers includes one-time monetary grants and may also include assistance with securing assistance through local charitable organizations. Any identified need is eligible for grants subject to qualification requirements. Each application is reviewed individually with consideration of the applicants need and the funds available to ConsiderOthers, and a determination is made regarding the amount of the monetary grant.

9. Will the recipient be required to repay the assistance?

10. Will the application process be confidential?
Yes. All those involved with the grant application and award process have signed an authorization and privacy/confidentiality statement.

11. Who qualifies for the program and what are the qualification requirements?
ConsiderOthers is currently evaluating qualification requirements and is currently working with the Willow Lakes HOA to develop a screening process. This process will serve as a test case for future qualification requirements.

12. What information is required to apply for assistance?
The ConsiderOthers application requests information relating to the financial condition and extenuating circumstances of the applicant.

13. How do I get an application to apply?
Applications are available on this website. If you need assistance printing a form, please feel free to ask at your community office.

14. Where do I submit my application and required information?
Please mail your application to: ConsiderOthers, P.O. Box 87274, Chicago, IL 60680.

15. If approved, how will I receive the assistance?
A check will be mailed to you.

18. How can I become involved with ConsiderOthers if I want to help those within my community?
You can make a donation to ConsiderOthers on this website. You may also choose to get others involved by organizing a fundraiser to raise money for ConsiderOthers.

19. If I donate, how do I know that my donation goes to help those within my community?
Currently donations to ConsiderOthers are available for monetary grants to any eligible applicant regardless of the ELS community to which they are affiliated. We are currently evaluating options that would allow donors to designate the specific community or individual they wish to receive the benefit.